Overhead Real Estate 727-744-2945
Overhead Real Estate                727-744-2945

Contact Us Today!

Overhead Real Estate

President/Pilot:  PJ Cook

Phone: 727-744-2945


2034 Rainbow Farms Dr.
Safety Harbor, FLORIDA 34695


I am also a Certified USCCA Concealed Weapons Instructor (Retired 22+ Yr USAF Special Operations Aerial Gunner) that does private and group pistol and rifle instruction as well.  Please give me a call and I wll help you gain confidence in your shooting ability while concentrating on SAFETY and accuracy!


I also do 35MM Slide conversion to digital format (and restoration) as well as 8MM and SUPER 8 Movie conversion to .MP4 or .MOV in 1080p Resolution to really make your old family movies look great and you can share them on YouTube or any other method you choose!


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Created by pjcook.com 2022 Overhead Real Estate President/Pilot: PJ Cook Phone: 727-744-2945 Email: pj@overheadrealestate.com VISIT US ON YouTube as well: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBKm4bflOdPVgrLeSoWjQkQ